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Design by - @Soha_fur

$ 5000

Axolotragon _ 아홀로트래곤 _

Design by - @blacyromoon

$ 7300

Design by - @Teddy fur  / Art by- @Soha_fur

$ ​6000

KLRANG 클랑 <청금> // Design by : @blacyromoon

Design by - @blacyromoon

$ 6800

yam 얌이.png
Riley 라일리.png

 *  It's a design for those who don't have a design or want a special design. 

*  You can apply at any time even if the commission is not open.

*  I'm only selling Fursuit.
    The designer has the copyright for the design.
    If you want to buy or use copyrights commercially, please contact the designer separately

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